Hanneman×Seteth Support Conversations
C Support
セテス: ……そこにいるのはわかっていますよ、ハンネマンさん。
Seteth: I know you are there, Hanneman.
ハンネマン: 上手く気配を消せたと思っていたのだがね。おや、その書物は紋章の……
セテス君! さては、遂に我輩の研究に付き合ってくれる気になったのだな!
Hanneman: Well, uh... Say, are those Crest documents? Ah, Seteth! Have you finally decided to cooperate with my research?!
セテス: ……違いますよ。16年も断り続けているのに、なぜ勘違いできるのですか。
Seteth: Absolutely not. For 16 years, I have refused your requests. I have no intention of changing my mind.
セテス: ……違いますよ。21年も断り続けているのに、なぜ勘違いできるのですか。
Seteth: Absolutely not. For 21 years, I have refused your requests. I have no intention of changing my mind.
セテス: これは私に付き纏わないという条件で貴方に貸そうと見つけてきた書物です。
Seteth: But I will lend you these documents I have found, on the condition that you stop following me.
ハンネマン: ううむ、それも捨てがたいが、我輩には君が協力してくれるほうが遥かに価値がある。
Hanneman: I am quite tempted by the offer, but your cooperation would be of much greater value. Your Crest, the Major Crest of Cichol, is so rare. As far as I am aware, Seteth, you are the only person ever confirmed to bear that particular Crest. How did you come to possess it?
セテス: その問いは幾度となく聞きましたし、答えましたよ。私にもわからない、と。
Seteth: My answer is the same as every other time you have asked. I do not know. I was born a commoner, with no connections to any Crests. There are no records of my lineage.
ハンネマン: ふふ、そのような言い訳で我輩が諦めると?我輩が納得するまで永遠に追及すると……
Hanneman: Oh, please. That thin explanation could never discourage me! You must understand, I will dig until I find the truth. No matter how long it takes.
セテス: ……時間の無駄です。貴方の求めるものに、私は応えられない。
Seteth: You are wasting your time. I cannot give you the answers you seek. Even if you were to discover the reason why I bear the Major Crest of Cichol, I doubt it would satisfy you.
ハンネマン: それは我輩が判断することだ。そして、君の言うとおりだったとしても……
Hanneman: That is for me alone to decide. And even if you are correct...
That confirmation itself would be a valuable discovery. Such is the way of research, yes?
セテス: 私は研究者ではないので、わかりかねますな……。
Seteth: I am afraid I cannot attest to that. I am no scholar.
In any case, if you really have no need for the documents, you will not mind if I dispose of them.
ハンネマン: そ、そうは言っておらん。いささか性急に過ぎるぞ、セテス君。
Hanneman: Let's not do anything hasty now!
I will leave you alone—for now—but I am taking these documents with me!
Once I complete my research on these papers, it'll be your turn, Seteth. I will learn the truth of your Crest!
セテス: 今度も何もありません。私の番はそれこそ永遠に来ないでしょう。
Seteth: It is a pointless endeavor. You will learn nothing from me, no matter how much you try.
ハンネマン: はあ……君のその頑なさも、キッホルの大紋章を持つがゆえかもしれん。
Hanneman: Perhaps his stubborn nature is one of the effects of his Crest? Now that would be an interesting discovery... The first stage of my research will be to decipher his personality...
B Support
ハンネマン: ごきげんよう、セテス君。
Hanneman: Good day to you, Seteth.
セテス: 懲りないですね、貴方も。紋章の件であれば……
Seteth: Persistent, aren't you? If this is about my Crest...
ハンネマン: いや、そのことで来たのではない。たまには君と雑談でもしたいと思ってね。
Hanneman: No, no. I thought we might speak of something else for a change.
セテス: ……まさか。
Seteth: Is that so?
ハンネマン: 意外かね、セテス君。こう見えて我輩は話好きなのだよ。
Hanneman: Indeed. I am quite fond of conversation, even just for the sake of conversation. Just listen to an old man's worries, eh?
セテス: はあ……。
Seteth: Very well. Go ahead.
ハンネマン: 我輩も年を取ったのか、近頃、腰の痛みに悩まされていてな。
Hanneman: Perhaps it's due to my age, but I've been troubled by lower back pain lately.
Right now I'm in the process of finding a good way to treat it.
セテス: そういったことなら、私ではなくマヌエラのほうが適任かと。
Seteth: Ah... If it is an ointment you are after, I think Manuela would know more than me.
ハンネマン: マヌエラ君を頼るのは不安ではないかね。まあ痛みについてはそれでもいいが……
Hanneman: An excellent suggestion. Yes, I'm sure she will be able to help me with the pain itself, but... Doesn't it make you nervous to rely on Manuela? I do not mind asking her about the pain itself, but...
セテス: ……何を言いたいのですか?
Seteth: What are you trying to say?
ハンネマン: いやはや、我輩も年々老いてきたものだと嘆いているのだ。
Hanneman: Oh, nothing. I'm only lamenting the fact that I am getting old. It is a pastime I'm not sure I enjoy...Yet I can't help but notice time hasn't taken such a toll on you.
セテス: 見た目に出にくいだけですよ。私も年を取ったと感じることはあります。
Seteth: The signs of age may not write themselves plainly on my face, but I feel the strain of years as much as you.
ハンネマン: ふむ……そうだろうか?妹君のこともある。
Hanneman: Is that right? But then, that doesn't explain your sister...
セテス: !
Seteth: Ngh...
ハンネマン: 君の妹だというフレン君は、我輩が帝国から大修道院に来た頃に生まれたらしいな。
Hanneman: Your sister, Flayn, was born around the time I came to the monastery from the Empire, yes?
In all that time, I never knew you to pay her a visit or to write her letters...
Yet, somehow, the two of you seem very close. Like a family who has spent years together.
Could this not suggest a different interpretation? Perhaps, like you, she has—
セテス: フレンについての詮索は、やめていただきたい!
Seteth: You will not pry into Flayn's business. If you interrogate her—no, if you even so much as inquire where she has been or what she has done... I will never forgive you. Never. Investigate me all you wish. I will even cooperate, if I must. But Flayn...
ハンネマン: 落ち着きたまえ。フレン君に近づこうなどとは欠片も思っていない。
Hanneman: Calm down, Seteth. I have no intentions of approaching Flayn.
セテス: 誓えますか?
Seteth: Do I have your word on that?
ハンネマン: もちろんだとも。妹君の名を利用したことについては謝罪させてもらおう。
Hanneman: You have my word as a scholar, and as a man. I do apologize for using your sister's name in that way.
セテス: 利用とはいったい……あっ!?
Seteth: Using her? What do you— Oh, that is low.
ハンネマン: 君は「必要なら協力も辞さない」と確かに言ったな?
Hanneman: You promised me just now... “Investigate me all you wish,” you said. “I will even cooperate,” you said. Do you deny it? Those words were all I needed to hear. Now I have no cause to approach your sister.
セテス: まったくいい年をした大人が……仕方ありませんね。
Seteth: It seems I have no choice. To think I have been played the fool by a man of your age.
ハンネマン: せめて年寄りの知恵と言ってはくれないかね。
Hanneman: I'll let that slight go, now that I have your cooperation.
セテス: まあ、私が協力したところで、貴方が真実に辿り着けるとは限りませんが。
Seteth: Even with my cooperation, there is no guarantee you will reach the truth.
ハンネマン: 我輩は必ず真実に辿り着く。そのためにここにいるのだから。
Hanneman: Oh, Seteth. Searching for the truth is what I do. And I will find it. I promise you that.
セテス: では、いつかその日が来ることを……楽しみに待っていますよ。
Seteth: Then I suppose I will have to look forward to the day you prove your claims.